Student Enrollments
Please welcome Cynthia and Scott to our adult class.
No rain, excellent food, righteous Aikido, and good times.
This year I'm calling our trip: "The Attack of the Weird Catepillars." Seriously, I counted like thirty species of catepillar out there. And they were all eyeing my breakfast sausage.
Thank you to all our participants for your camaraderie and fine culinary skills. And!
What a great seminar, for a great teacher.
On Saturday, March 17, nine of our students spent the day at Brevard Aikikai, where a host of talented instructors taught.
Included in the teaching roster were Grady Lane (6th dan), Nobu Arakawa (5th dan), Youssef Sadkane (4th dan), Randall Smith (3rd dan), Mike Patino (5th dan), Joey Turner (2nd dan), and Dee (3rd dan). Peter Bernath Sensei was in attendance also.
This is what Aikido is all about.
Bravo to Beth, Bob, and Brooke, who braved our 2012 parent's class.
Beginning promptly at 9:00 a.m., our blurry eyed parents stepped barefoot on the mat where our kids helped with the instruction.
Although a few of the techniques appeared befuddling, none of our participants drew a blank. Sensei and I were beaming.
"A brilliant class," Sensei began, when asked about the experience. "And who better to introduce Aikido to our parents? Besides Buck, of course. Or possibly Bryce."
So there you have it. A truly bodacious class. Let's do it again, shall we?