Student Stuff
A big congratulations to Rey and Jerry, and in the children's class, to Brady, Gracie, Keanna and Luc, for passing their kyu tests. And a hearty welcome to our new students, Sergey, Nicole, Darius, Tré, Ava, and Peter.
Upcoming Seminars
On October 14 and 15, Donovan Waite Sensei will be at Water Oak Aikikai.
Also, beginning on November 11, Florida Aikikai is hosting our annual Winter Camp. We'll be arranging a carpool, as usual. If you're interested, please talk to Sensei or Jerry.
Lastly, an early heads up for a seminar with Maruyama Sensei, hosted by our good friends at Aikido Shugenkai. And by the way, if you haven't trained with Adam Graff Sensei and his students yet, you should. They're awesome. Go visit their Facebook page.
Train For Free
Help us grow the school! When you refer a student, you train free for the month.
Our student promotion applies to family members as well as friends, and can be combined with our family and quarterly discounts.

Wow, What a Month!
We're excited and gratified to announce that the dojo surpassed a few milestones this month. First up, our seminar with Peter Bernath Sensei was our most attended seminar to date, with participants traveling from Georgia all the way to south Florida. Sensei wanted to personally thank all our guests and students for supporting us. We're humbled and greatly appreciative.
Next, our new student enrollments are through the roof. Seven students joined the school this month, and our kids' class attendance is at an all time high. Reflecting this was our last movie night, where twenty-one of our youngest students and guests enjoyed pizza, popcorn, and the movie Rio. And I'm not even mentioning the glow bands, shikko dodgeball, and games we all played. Whew!
And for those keeping track, this was our 14th movie night at the school. Hard to believe, isn't it?
Which brings me to my last milestone: our Halloween party. We've scheduled it for Saturday, October 29th, beginning at 6:00 p.m. To get a flavor of what we have planned, read the rave review of our 2009 bash, penned (of course) by a completely unbiased observer.
Scenes From A Seminar
A big thanks to Kathleen who took tons of photos at the seminar. We've posted a few pictures here, but to really get a feel for Sensei's technique, head on over to our blog, where we've posted four awesome movies. Enjoy!
We welcome your feedback, comments, and questions regarding our newsletter. You can post your thoughts on our blog. You can also follow us on Twitter, or visit our Facebook page. |