Brevard Aikikai Seminar
On Saturday, December 4 Brevard Aikikai is hosting their annual Christmas Seminar. Dee is one of the featured instructors, as is Grady Lane Sensei. For more information, please see the seminar flyer.
If you are interested in attending, please let us know. Our plan is to organize a carpool.
Cleansing Class
Our annual Cleansing Class is scheduled for Saturday, January 8 at 4:00 p.m. We will still hold our morning classes that day, including children's class.
What is cleansing class, you ask? I could say it's a type of misogi, or traditional practice, but that wouldn't really capture its spirit.
Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend, beginners included. After practice plan on socializing for a bit over a potluck meal.
Cleansing class is an important part of dojo life. Please make plans to attend.
And The Winner is...
Our October raffle winner is...Ava! Remember, for every class a student attends, we submit an entry on your behalf in our monthly raffle.
Train For Free
Help us grow the school! When you refer a student, you train free for the month. Our student promotion also applies to family members, and can be combined with our family and quarterly discounts.

Christmas Social
It's that time of year again - reindeers, Santa, and good will to all. And for our adult students, a bit of frothy eggnog and tasty hors d'ourves. Yes, it's our annual Christmas social.
We try to keep our adult social low key. We'll have some heavy appetizers, beverages, and of course, comraderie. Spouses and guests are always invited. This year we plan on hosting the social on Friday, December 10th beginning at 5:30 p.m. The idea is that you can stop at the social on your way home from work, enjoy some good food, and still make your other holiday parties. And of course you can come later in the evening if you wish.
If you are interested in attending, please let us know so that we can plan accordingly.
Kid's Movie Night
Not to forget our younger students, we will host a Christmas themed movie night on Saturday, December 11. This will be our last movie night for 2010 so make sure to attend!
As always, guests are welcome.
Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Szesny!
Two of our own got hitched this month. It was a spectacular day and a moving ceremony. Congratulations, Maggie and Ryan!
We welcome your feedback, comments, and questions regarding our newsletter. You can post your thoughts on our blog. You can also follow us on Twitter, or join our Facebook group. |