Kyu Promotions
Congratulations to Sophie for passing her tenth kyu test. Also, congratulations to Sophie's dad, William, for passing sixth kyu, as well as Gabriel for passing fifth kyu. Great job! Our next test is scheduled for Saturday, May 15.
And The Winner is...
Our second raffle prize goes to William! Remember, for every class a student attends, we submit an entry on your behalf in our monthly raffle. William, please see Sensei to claim your award.
Kid's Movie Night
Our next movie night is scheduled for Saturday, May 1. We will be premiering the original 1984 movie, The Karate Kid.
Also, since May 1 is the weekend before Mother's Day, we have plans to help our kids with a special gift for Mom.
As always, movie night is a great way to introduce your friends to the dojo. So bring a guest!
Train For Free
Help us grow the school! When you refer a student, you train free for the month. Our student promotion also applies to family members. Feel free to grab a brochure to hand out to your friends and co-workers.
Class Schedule Change
Like last year, we are suspending classes at UNF during the summer break. Regarding our proposed morning class, we have plenty of interest--we are just working out the logistics for teaching. Our tentative goal is an early morning Monday class. We also are considering changes to our Saturday schedule. Check your email for updates.
April Website Links
For April, we have two excellent websites. First up is Senior Samurai, from Lawrence. It's a beautiful site-I especially appreciate his recent entry Fit...or pfffft?
Next up is Buck's business website: Pittman Landscape Architecture. The header you see is a labyrinth (not a maze!) that Buck designed for Cathedral Park.
Upcoming Seminars
For up to date information on the multitude of federation seminars scheduled monthly, check out the USAF seminar calendar, also available through the upcoming seminars link on our website.

2010 Camping Trip
On Saturday, April 17, twenty-three intrepid Aikidoka and their families camped out at Gold Head Branch State Park for training, camping, eating, and all around good times. To see more camping trip pictures, please visit our slideshow.
2010 Summer Seminar
On Saturday, June 19, we are hosting Richard Wagener Sensei, chief instructor of Palm Beach Aikikai, for our summer seminar. Please note that we will be placing a sign-up sheet at the dojo. If you plan on attending, we would also appreciate it if you would pay early. It helps with the logistics on our end.
The cost for the seminar is $55.00, which includes a full day of instruction as well as a dinner and a party at the dojo. We are planning on serving some killer bar-b-que, but of course are open to your suggestions.
Dojo Spring Cleaning
A heartfelt thanks to Steffen, Topper, Taylor, Ryan, and Sam for helping clean the dojo this month. We removed the mats, scrubbed them, and vacuumed the entire space. We also created a larger walking area to the dressing rooms.
On a similar note, kudos to Kevin for his exemplary job framing the various seminar posters Sensei has collected. You can see his handiwork above the sofa.
Lastly, thanks again to Kevin for creating new artwork for our kids and adult t-shirts. We plan on featuring these designs soon, so stay tuned.
We welcome your feedback, comments, and questions regarding our newsletter. You can post your
thoughts on our blog. We'll do our best to reply. |