Our Newest Students
Please extend an
enthusiastic "kangei!" (that's Japanese for "welcome") to our
newest students: Mary (Katie's mom), and Connor, in our
children's class. We're thrilled you're here!
Kyu Promotions
We're proud to announce
that our latest kyu tests, our largest to date, succeeded without a
hitch. Of course, credit is due to those participating, both as
nage and uke. Our heartfelt congratulations to Fabian and Karl, for
passing 3rd kyu, Ryan for passing 4th kyu, and Maggie and Anastasia, for
passing 5th kyu. Your dedication and hard work was obvious to
everyone watching. Sensei was
very pleased.
Movie Night
We are entertaining the
concept of movie nights at the dojo. Our thinking so far: Some nights will be geared for children, and some for adults. We
would project the movie on the far wall, and possibly rent a movie
style popcorn machine. Pretty neat, huh?
Of course, parents are
welcome to help chaperone, if they wish. (Or they could
take advantage of the opportunity, and spend some quality time together.
Maybe we should call this "Parent's Night Off"?)
Help us schedule the
premier. What days work best?
Please let us know.

We are exploring the
possibility of providing space at the school for Yoga classes, led by Anastasia.
As you may know, Anastasia is an SCW certified instructor, and has
attended seminars in Russia, Crimea, Thailand and the United States.
She would teach classic Hatha yoga.
We are still working out
the logistics, but would like to gauge your level of interest. The classes will be open to everyone, including
spouses and family members. If you know of someone who might be
interested, please let us know. Stay tuned for more information!
New Student Promotion
We are excited to offer a
promotion that will not only grow the school, but also provide our
students with a tangible benefit, in the form of a tuition discount.
Here's how it works: During the summer, when a current student refers
and signs up a new student, the current student will receive a tuition
discount equal to the new student's first tuition payment, not to
exceed the current student's monthly rate. For example, if an
adult student refers and signs up a new adult student,
he or she will receive a one time $65.00 discount. For a new
student in the children's class, the discount will be $55.00.
(Please see Sensei to discuss the discount for new students enrolled
from UNF. Also, please note that
this discount cannot be combined with the family discount.)
So, let's kick off the
summer season in style! If you know of any friends or co-workers
who would like to get in shape, lose weight, or learn self-defense,
bring 'em in! We also have flyers for our children and
classes, which you can print and hand out. (Our brochure
is also available for printing, and like the flyers, can be found on our class
information page.)
Lastly, we've created two pages that
highlight the benefits of our children and
family programs.
You can easily forward these pages by email, or alternatively send a
Upcoming Seminars
On May 16th and 17th, Sand
Drift Aikido will host Michael Moreno Sensei in Cocoa, Florida.
The cost to attend is $75.00 for both days, or $50.00 on Saturday and
$25.00 on Sunday. Sand Drift is a very welcoming dojo and always
has a great party following their seminars.
Closer to home, on May 16th
and 17th, Shugenkai Aikido will host Kevin Jones Sensei in Orange Park.
The cost to attend is $60.00. Please let Jerry know if you are
Lastly, on June 27th and
28th, Grady Lane Sensei of Brevard Aikikai will host Robert Zimmerman
Shihan of Toronto Aikikai.
Odds and Ends
Sensei asks that you please
remember to discard your empty drinking cups after training. Also,
please remember to turn off the lights in the bathrooms!
Finally, if you are
interested in participating in a weekly laundry service for your gis,
please let Jerry or Sensei know. Domo!